USAGSO West Pacific (small staff office near Tokyo, Japan)
(Comprehensive website. Has email contacts, ways to contact various neighborhoods it serves, training schedule, camp information, links, FAQs, forms to download, etc. )
- USAGSO West Pacific - Mainland Japan Overseas Committees (Tokyo, Japan)
(No known webpage at this time)
- USAGSO West Pacific - Sacred Heart Int'l School OC: (Tokyo, Japan)
(No known webpage at this time)
USAGSO West Pacific - Zama OC: (Japan)
(One page, photo, volunteer solicitation, email address)
USAGSO West Pacific - Atsugi Girl Scouts(Japan)
(One page, brief info. about each troop, meeting schedule, photos, email address)
USAGSO West Pacific - Sasebo Girl Scouts(Japan)
(One page, brief information about number of troops, age level activities, email address)
- USAGSO West Pacific - Iwakuni OC: (Japan)
(No known webpage at this time)
- USAGSO West Pacific - Yokota OC: (Honshu, Japan)
(One page, snail mail address, older page, may be out of date)
- USAGSO West Pacific - Okinawa Overseas Committees (Okinawa, Japan)
(No known webpage at this time)
- USAGSO West Pacific - Kadena OC: (Okinawa, Japan)
(No known webpage at this time)
- USAGSO West Pacific - Korea Overseas Committees
(No known webpage at this time)
USAGSO North Atlantic(serving much of Europe, located in Germany)
(comprehensive website. Has email contacts, training information and schedule, camp information, program information and registration, forms to download, links,GS shop info., secure pages for OCCs, etc.)
Central London Overseas Committee: (London, England)
(Several pages of information, a few links, a few email contacts, information about several London patch programs, etc.)
SHAPE Girl Scouts, Belgium: (Casteau, Belgium)
(Several pages of information, link, email contacts, information about patch programs)
Ramstein Girl Scouts, Germany (Ramstein, Germany)
(Several pages of information, including some games and crafts, email contacts, information about patch programs, some of website done by girls)
Naples Girl Scouts, Italy: (Naples, Italy)
(One page of information with email contacts. They do have a patch program on Volcanoes)
- RAF Fairford Girl Scouts, England: (Fairford, England)
(No known webpage at this time)
- RAF Croughton Girl Scouts, England: (Croughton, England)
(No known webpage at this time)
- Cobham, England Overseas Committee: (Cobham, England)
(No known webpage at this time)
- Senior Troop 198: (Cobham, England)
(No known webpage at this time)
- Harrogate, England Overseas Committee: (Harrogate - Yorkshire Dales, England)
(No known webpage at this time)
- Stuttgart, Germany Overseas Committee: (Stuttgart, Germany)
(No known webpage at this time - they do have several patch programs but no website right now)
- Wiesbaden, Germany Overseas Committee: (Wiesbaden, Germany)
(No known webpage at this time - they do have a patch program - Exploring Wiesbaden)
Overseas Committees served by USAGSO in New York
(not affiliated with an overseas council, these are independent OCs all over the world)
Paris, France OC (Paris, France)
(Several pages of information, Calendar, patch program information, contacts, information about Paris, good links page, etc.)
Atyrau, Kazakhstan OC (Atyrau, Kazakhstan)
(Several pages of information, including Thinking Day Postcards, Ecards that can be downloaded)
- Dubai, UAE OC (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
(One page of information and pictures on the school website, along with Cub Scouts)
Keflavik, Iceland OC (Keflavik, Iceland)
(One page of information with names of OC committee members and email contacts)
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Copyright © 1998-2011 By USAGSO - Kuwait
Last Modified January 15, 2011