Calendar Sales
Cookie (bake sale) Sales
Daisy Park Day
Brownie Lock-In
Junior Badge Workshops
Cadette Program Aide Training
Jamboree on the Air
Ice Cream Social for Juliette Low's Birthday/GS Store Night
Operation Cookie Drop and/or Holiday Card Drop(for US Military)
Holiday Craft Workshop
GirlSports Day
Father/Daughter Bowling
Mother/Daughter High Tea
World Thinking Day Chat(online)
World Thinking Day International Fair (with Kuwait Girl Guides and British Guides)
Scout-O-Rama (with the Boy Scouts)
Camporee (competition, again, with the Boy Scouts or with Guides)
Beach Campout for all OC
Year End Bridging
Adult Appreciation Dinner/OC Association Annual Meeting
Please email us if you have any
good ideas or thoughts about the above events.
Copyright © 1998-2011 By USAGSO - Kuwait
Last Modified January 15, 2011