Here are some awards that girls in Kuwait can earn beyond the standard Try-Its, Badges, Signs, and Interest Project Patches. Some of these are available only to girls overseas or in Kuwait, others are available to everyone but have time deadlines or other special requirements. If you have any questions about whether or not you can earn the patch, please contact the OCC in Kuwait
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Bravo Award (local Kuwait troop award) International Friendship Recognition Lady Baden-Powell International Friendship Award Building World Citizenship Water Drop GirlSports 2000 Issues for Girl Scouts
Additional Issues for Girl Scouts: In the Zone
Exploring Connections Among People:
The White House Project - Ms. President Patch:
Awards Earned only by Overseas Troops
This award encourages Girl Scouts in overseas locations and their host country Girl Scouts/Girl Guides to work together in the spirit of friendship. Required activities focus on communication, community service, camping, crafts, and culture. Girls earn the "Lady Baden-Powell International Friendship Award" patch; adults, the award's bar and charm.
GSUSA Patch programs
Awards offered by other organizations
Copyright © 1998-2011 By USAGSO - Kuwait
Last Modified January 15, 2011