Daisies - Kindergarten - Grade 1
Brownies - Grades 2-3
Juniors - Grades 4-5
Cadettes - Grades 6-9
Seniors - Grades 9-10
Ambassadors - Grades 11-12
The age groupings are consistent throughout the organization, regardless of school setup.
In most places, Girl Scouts meet once each week or once every other week, for 1-2 hours (depends on age level) in groups called "troops", which consist of 5-30 girls or so, who meet with adult leaders to do activities suggested by Girl Scout books and other materials, and mostly chosen by the girls themselves. These activities vary from science and math projects, to art projects, creating community maps, to builing things for service projects, field trips to interesting locations, camping, bicycling and hiking trips and many other activities. More time-consuming activities are generally done on weekends, generally about once each month or so.
All of these activities are led by adult volunteers who have been screened and trained to work with girls and the Girl Scout program.
Some girls find that they cannot meet once each week, cannot make it to the meeting location, or can only participate part of the year. For these girls, there are other "pathways" which girls can use to participate in Girl Scouts, other than traditional troop meetings. Some places allow girls to participate in troops seasonally (ex. when they don't have a sport or drama production, etc.), or allow girls to participate in specially arranged events, only attend camping events or Girl Scout summer camps, meet as a special interest group, meet to plan and carry out travel/trips (older girls only), or meet with other busy girls online.
To learn more about these new Girl Scout pathways, see More About Pathways
To find out which pathways are available in your location, contact your Overseas Committee Chairman (OCC) for more information.
GSUSA Website More about what Girl Scouting is about
GSUSA has 15 Leadership Outcomes centered around activities which:
* help girls to learn about themselves and about many topics (Discover),
* help girls make connections and communicate well with other people (Connect),
* and help girls to identify needs of their community and the world and to create and carry out projects to make improvements (Take Action).
Discover, Connect, Take Action
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Last Modified January 15, 2011